Thursday, November 4, 2010

Exhaustion. Excitement. We’ve been running, running, running since we got here, but I’m loving every minute of it! We’ve done a quick tour of Auckland, shot some promo material for Lifeway College, (by the way, if you haven’t heard of them {and actually even if you have,} you should definitely check this college out- they’ve worked on Avatar, and Veggie Tales, and lots of other amazing movies and the talent at their campus made my heart race!) and today we were working at Taradale High School in the Hawks Bay area. I think every time we get in the car, at least one someone is settling in for a nap! We’re all so tired! The staff members said today if we got all our assignments turned in they would let us have the key for the internet so- after staring at my computer screen for several hours editing pictures- I finally am online! As an example of how tired I am: I just misspelled “screen” four times.

The other day before we left Lifeway College, some of us got up early and went down to the beach to shoot the sunrise. *Big sigh… It was so beautiful. Sometimes I feel like I can actually breathe in the presence of God, and that was one of those mornings. The air was soft and quiet. Over here all the colors seem like they’re on super-saturated mode, so the green of the grass is a rich, heavy green, and the blue skies are so soaked with color it almost seems like you could taste them. It almost feels like one sense isn’t enough to take it in- you can’t just see the color you have to touch it or taste it. That’s how it felt that morning- very still, but very rich with life. It made me think that I’m so glad that knowing Jesus is a such rich way to experience life- so textured and full! I’m so thankful for the ability to experience color, and the feel fresh morning air on my face, and thankful to be able know His love for me. A love that is so rich and vast in it depths! I hope you experience life in a more textured, rich way today!


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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Crazy quick post! I haven't had internet for the past few days and it's been delightful! I'm running aroung Auckland today with another student doing a scavenger hunt. Fortunately, post a picture was one of the requirements. This is one of One Tree Hill which we visited yesterday. More soon!
visit the IPS website!