Saturday, February 26, 2011

I'm done!!!!!!

Finished. Completed. Concluded. Over. Accomplished. Executed. Fulfilled. Done. Wrapped Up. Ended. Finalized. Achieved.

I'm done! And I'm happy! My last assignments for school were just submitted, and I feel so relieved! One more thing to check off my "Ta-da!" list, and now to figure out what I'm going to do with all my extra time...


:D <---------- This is me with a really big smile on my face, because I wasn't able to upload an actual picture. 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Uncertainty. Oh so beautiful!

Yesterday, it was warm and beautiful. I broke out my t-shirts and capris, and started making summer swimming plans. Yesterday, it seemed as if spring might have been here to stay, and that all my tomorrows would be warm. Today though, it's cold. Big fluffy flakes of snow are swirling around the window as I warm myself with a cup of cocoa. Today, I'm not really sure what to think about tomorrow.

Uncertainty. To me, the only thing certain about that word is that it throws me off balance. Just when I think I'm getting a handle on what to expect- it snows! Isn't that just how life is sometimes? Just when you're starting to settle in to a routine, you're sent off on an adventure, or you're hit with a storm, or you're caught in a blizzard wearing flip-flops. Sometimes you think you've got a pretty good idea of what tomorrow is going to look like, and it turns out to be completely wrong!

As I sit drinking my cocoa, pondering the uncertainty of life, I am struck by the fact that, while the sunshine and warmth of yesterday was beautiful, the chill and quiet of the air today is also beautiful. Unplanned. Unexpected. Unforeseen. And beautiful. These days, I'm learning that even if God changes my plans, He never ceases to provide me with something beautiful. I'm in the last few days of school, and while I am super excited for it to be over, the end of school also represents a tomorrow that I'm not too sure what to think about. Will it be sunny or cold? What's the plan? What's next? *shrug* I don't know. But I know that it's going to be beautiful!

It's kind of comforting don't you think?
