Monday, August 1, 2011

It's been too long...

Hi all! So, I have been meaning to return to my blog for quite some time now, but unfortunately there have several things that have prevented me from doing so. I spent two weeks back in Wisconsin for a family reunion, where the weather was quite humid, the cheese curds were delicious, and the internet was not wireless. That's my first excuse for not posting sooner.

My second excuse is the fact that my computer got sick while I was on vacation. I'm not sure technically what happened, but basically, I opened it up one morning and nothing turned on. I could hear it working, but the screen was completely black. Needless to say after several restarts, this sent me into a bit of a panic. I spent time researching discussion threads regarding this problem, and was starting to freak out because from what I could tell, a happy ending was not necessarily in my future. I read stories of computers that never came back to life, or repairs that cost nearly as much as a new computer. I'm going to embarrass myself now and say that one of my main fears at this point was the fact that I had not backed up my computer for a month. This included my Italy pictures, as well as the work from two other photo shoots I had recently done, and all of my documentation of our family reunion. "Why" you ask would I have not done that already? I have no good excuse. I simply had not gotten around to it.

To make a long story, well still long... I took my computer to an Apple store where they managed to fit me in to their already overbooked schedule. As I sat at the desk anxiously, one of the Mac "Geniuses" (Yes, that's their actual title) came up, and after a few quick tests, reported that although the problem was a big deal, all would be well with my little computer. I thought I was going to cry. Don't judge. I wanted to hug this Mac angel that delivered such good news, and lead the entire store in the Hallelujah chorus.

So, all of that to say that my computer is still in Madison, Wisconsin. The Apple rep said that they would have to do major surgery on it, and I had this vision of my computer being rolled back on a gurney to an Apple operating room where an Apple surgeon, complete with scrubs and a face mask would take a look, fix the problem, and send my computer out with a balloon and a clean bill of health. I really hope that's exactly how it happened.

I got word from the "hospital" the other day that my computer was being discharged, so it should only be a few more days until it's home with me!

Oh, and did I neglect to say- it was a $900 repair... that Apple did for free!

So I'm sorry for the delay in blogging, but I'm hoping to be up and running again soon. There's several pictures that I'm quite excited to share.

More soon,
