Monday, May 30, 2011

New York and Italy adventures: Day 1

I wrote this post earlier today, but didn't have time to post it. 

Have I mentioned that I'm going to Italy? I'm going to Italy!!! God has been very good to me and blessed me with the opportunity to travel around that beautiful country for 2 weeks with the amazing folks from IPS. Photography, Italian coffee bars, some of the most beautiful art in the world, and the Mediterranean... does it get any better? 

This is day one of the adventures, and I'm hoping to document each day because there will be so many firsts on this trip. 

The trip began this morning with the short flight from Durango to the Denver airport. Favorite thing about the Denver airport so far: free Wi-Fi! Woot! From here, I will be flying in to New York City, which I think has me just as excited as Italy does. NYC has been my "if I could live anywhere..." city for years, so I'm a little bit stoked!

So I'm sitting here waiting for my flight and I'm reminded again of just how much I love airports! I love the busyness, and the sounds of luggage rolling along behind briskly clicking high heels. I love how so many people are all going to so many different places. I love people watching and how we all look so different! As far as I'm concerned- it's coffee houses and airports that are bringing the world together.  

So here I sit in barely contained excitement and anticipation for the next two weeks. They're going to be good- I can already tell!

More soon,
