Thursday, January 20, 2011


Today was lovely- I got to spend time photographing two of my favorite people in the world: my sisters! On a whim this morning I decided I would force my sisters to let me do a photo shoot of them. (Being the oldest, I am occasionally afforded the privilege of "forcing" my siblings to accommodate me.)  Despite the fact that it was a bit chilly outside, it was great fun, and of course, Sage and Rienna both look beautiful. They are two of the coolest, funniest, prettiest people in the world! And I'm not biased at all.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

From the middle or from the end?

Ok, so there's an issue I've been pondering today, and feel I must give my thoughts on it. No, it is not earth-shattering by any standards. Actually, the discussion of this topic has no value whatsoever, but I shall expound anyway. 

I have been contemplating the age-old old debate of whether it is better to squeeze toothpaste from the middle of the tube, or from the end. I have heard this argument referenced at many weddings as a possible source of conflict awaiting the happy young couple, and there certainly seems to be much conflict surrounding the issue. After much pondering and mulling over, I have come to the following conclusion:

I believe that people who squeeze from the middle are much more tolerant, and relaxed than those who insist on squeezing from the bottom. My reasoning for this assertion is just this: Have you ever met a "middle" person who freaked out when someone else squeezed from the bottom? I have not. But, it is not at all uncommon to hear an "end" person spaz out because of someone else pinching the middle of the tube. Whereas middle-squeezers don't really care where anyone presses on the toothpaste tube- be it half-way, a third of the way, or even all the way down, end-squeezers insist that the only right way to draw out the toothpaste is to press from the bottom. Middle-squeezers are really "anywhere-squeezers", while end-squeezers are exclusively end-squeezers. 

Now maybe it's just me, but it seems that those people who are middle-squeezers are often portrayed as the people who mess up the system, and disrupt the order. But I ask you dear reader- (if in fact anyone has actually continued reading up to this point) just why should we view squeezing the toothpaste from the bottom as a more noble method? I would argue that we should hold those who pinch from the middle in higher regard because of their flexibility, versatility, and open-mindedness. 

So as you can probably tell, when I brush my teeth, I squeeze the tube from the middle. And when I do, I like to think that I am somehow establishing myself as an accommodating, easy-going person. 

Just my thoughts on a completely insignificant subject...


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Oh how I love New Mexico skies!

I am the luckiest girl in the world- this is the view out my front door.














Aren't you jealous? 


Monday, January 17, 2011

Three things I'm thankful for in January

I must say, once Christmas is over, and the first few weeks of January are past, I have this overwhelming "what now?" feeling. There's no more Christmas carols, the snow doesn't seem as fresh (and in my opinion is not as welcome either), and all of a sudden my flip flop days seem further away than ever because from now until spring there's not much to distract from the mundane. But rather than wallow in my self-pity, bemoaning the fact that my parents did not choose to raise me in the Bahamas, I have constructed a list of three things about January that make me smile. 

1. NFL football playoffs! Yes, it's true: I'm a huge football fan. This past weekend was mostly spent (much to my shame- no, that's not entirely true... a little to my shame) on the couch watching football and eating my weight in nachos. Kudos to my team though- Aaron Rogers of the Green Bay Packers was a ball throwing beast on Saturday! I love it when the team I'm rooting for not only wins, but completely dominates! 48 to 21 Go Packers!!!

2. Unexpected beauty. I think because of the bleakness of this month, the beauty that is found is treasured even more. The blues and pinks in the sky this morning were so lovely and very unexpected. 

The way today has become warm and sun-shiny was beauty unlooked for. The fact that the barista at Starbucks knew not only my name, but my drink and the type of milk I prefer was unexpected and definitely a beautiful thing my friends! (Actually, it really shouldn't be unexpected I suppose- I'm in there way too often...)

3. Fresh beginnings. I love that in January everyone gets a new start. Sure, maybe the gym memberships and lists of resolutions are a little cliche, but I think it's nice to have an official "let's begin again" time. January is a great month to schedule some hard-core self-evaluation. It's such a relief that no matter what happened last year, the coming of January is almost an official order to set the past aside and move on. *Sigh* It's like a breath of fresh air. A new year of growing, stretching, goals, dreams, laughing and living awaits us in 2011! I think there's going to be more to come on my goals and aspirations for this lovely year, but one of the things I'm changing is that my to-do lists are turning into my "TA-DA!" lists because that's what I get to say when I complete something. "TA-DA!!!" (And no, I didn't come up with this idea, although I would love to take credit for it. I'm borrowing it from singer Jason Mraz.)

So yay for football, and surprise gifts of beauty, and fresh starts! Thank you January!
And now that this post is finished- TA-DA! 
