Saturday, April 2, 2011

I'm not completely technologically handicapped!

You have no idea how excited I am about the changes I made to the blog layout. Finally- my big pictures can be seen as more than a thumbnail! For those of you who know things about technology, my breakthrough with my blog design may seem elementary, but this is a big deal to me. I shall endeavor to continue to tweak and improve my little blog, but for now, I am quite pleased. For the time being, if you would like to read an archived blog, simply scroll down to the bottom of the page. I'm pretty stoked people! Weekends are for technological breakthroughs!


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sooooo excited for Heaven!

On Sunday night I fulfilled a life-long dream and saw my favorite singer of all time in concert. I have been listening to the music of Michael W. Smith since I was probably three. I grew up on it. My love of other bands has come and gone through the years, but I have always loved Smitty. Needless to say, I was just a teeny bit excited to finally see him in concert and cross yet another epic thing off my bucket list. You know what's totally exciting? Looking up to someone for years and then finding out they are actually as cool as you had hoped all along.

The first half of the concert was like walking down memory lane. As the audience sang along to all the oldies/goldies, I remembered dancing around to this music in my living room, driving around with my dad, the windows down, Michael W. Smith blaring from the speakers, and even the times when I've cried in my bedroom and God used this music to comfort me. I'm constantly amazed at the way that music stamps our lives and can instantly take us back to another place or time.

Now while the first half of the show was just lovely, it is the second half that I wish that I could relive and share with everyone. The sounds of worship music filled the auditorium as over 1,200 people closed their eyes, raised their hands, and lifted their voices to praise the Savior that we all love so dearly. I could have stayed in that place for several hours, just listening. As I sat there, basking in the sounds of my brothers and sisters singing, I couldn't help being excited for Heaven. Can you even imagine? It'll be like Sunday night's experience- times a billion! Is there anything more beautiful than the family of God joining together to sing the praises of our Jesus? Oh my goodness! I can not wait for Heaven!!!

Wish you could have been there, dear reader. But most of all, I hope you will be there, when we finally make it to the other side. I for one, am super excited! Please tell me that you're on your way too!
