Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Washing windows in the rain

This afternoon made me smile. It rained like crazy which always makes for a good time as far as I'm concerned. But it was what I got to do in the rain that made my afternoon sweet.

I'm working as a personal assistant right now, and today I picked my boss's little girl, Ellie up from school. Ellie Claire is such a character. She's very dramatic, a little fashionista, and very much has a mind of her own. Basically there's never a dull moment when she's around.

We talked about how fun it is to listen to the sound of the rain. We laughed as we both ran to the car with our hands over our heads trying to stay dry-ish (I don't own an umbrella because it rains here... pretty much never). We decided that the ultimate way to spend the afternoon would have been to stay outside and dance.

When we stopped off at the gas station, Ellie Claire decided that it was a good time to wash the windows of my car. That's right. It's raining cats and dogs, but we stood there outside the gas station squeegeeing off my windows just because it's so fun to use that little tool. I'm sure the attendant inside thought we were crazy, but we didn't care. It didn't matter that the windows were going to be dotted with raindrops again in two minutes- we scrubbed, squeegeed, and even dried off the windows- just because it was fun!

I only put $10 worth of gas in my car today, but I feel like I got more out of that trip to the gas station than I have in a long time. Just a random part of my day that made me s.m.i.l.e. Hope it does the same for you!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011


So for the past week and a half I have been anxiously hoping that something noteworthy would happen to me, so I could write it down and share it with you, dear reader.

Unfortunately, I'm sorry to say that life has been rather routine as of late, and nothing out of the ordinary has occurred. Is it just me, or is routine a bit frustrating? When things have been predictable for a while, I find that I start to dislike my day-to-day activities. I start looking at them as tasks, and not gifts. It's quite a bad habit, really.

So today, I am choosing see the blessings of my routine, rather than overlooking them in anticipation for the next big adventure.

1. I don't have to be at work early, so I can take my time getting ready for the day.

2. I have at least an hour of driving time every day- time for a phone call on the way home, time to listen to an entire CD, time to clear my head with my sunroof open. 

3. I'm home for dinner with my family every night.

4. Lately, my routine has included flip-flops every day, which makes me and my feet veeeeeerrrrry happy.

Join me, won't you? Let's celebrate the "humdrum". What are some of the nice parts of your day that you often overlook?

Here's to viewing each day as a gift from God!


And here is a somewhat unrelated photo, because I hate to post without one!