Thursday, January 13, 2011

On the 12th day of Christmas...

... There were presents! Ok, it's official: I'm one of the slowest blog writers ever. Yes, I do realize that it's January 13th, and I'm just now finishing up my thoughts on Christmas. However, I'm always sad to see the holiday season go, so this is my way of hanging on, and refusing to surrender my Christmas songs for another year. Anyway... here it is: on the 12th day of Christmas there were presents!
I feel like in many ways, presents symbolize the peak of the Christmas season. Weeks of planning and preparations are represented with crisp bows, shiny paper, wrapped around tightly sealed packages, and nestled under the Christmas tree. One of the most exciting parts of the Christmas season is the anticipation that builds all year and reaches it's epic climax on December 24th when you think you can hardly stand the excitement any more. The amazing thing to me about presents, is that they are magical and amazing to both the giver and the receiver! There's so much excitement both in getting the perfect gift, and in giving the perfect gift for someone else.
This Christmas I was amazed once again by the fact that I am on the receiving end of the perfect gift. I love the fact that God was delighted to give us this amazing present! After years of anticipation and preparation- Jesus came to be became our Immanuel- God with us! He's not standing off in the distance somewhere, aloof and detached. He's real, and close, and touchable. All of the presents and planning of Christmas are just a parallel to me of the ultimate gift that has already been presented to us.

He's my Immanuel this Christmas, and all year. I hope He's yours too!


Monday, January 10, 2011

On the 11th day of Christmas...

... There was lots of red! Definitely one of the best parts about this time of year is that the color red is all over the place! From candy cane stripes to santa hats, tree lights to shiny bows and wrapping paper, and of course the warm red of the holiday Starbucks cups, this cheery color is everywhere!

I love the color red because it symbolizes passion. It's not a mediocre color at all. It's extreme, and warm, and intense, and enthusiastic! Why all the musing about red? Just this: Sometimes life gets so busy and overwhelming that it's easy to go into auto-pilot mode and stop approaching life with passion and zeal. But oh my goodness! I've been rescued by Jesus, and made his child! I never have to feel alone. Jesus calls me his joy! I think that's definitely something to be passionate about! The color red reminds me that there's much to be excited about in life. Whether it's the craziness of December, or the daunting start of a new year, I plan on avoiding auto pilot and instead living a life colored in red!
