Saturday, March 17, 2012

Blogging: Fail.... St. Patrick's Day: Fail

Let's see, it's been well over a month since I've posted, and let me just say, I do believe that to be an epic fail on my part. I'm not entirely sure what has been taking over my time, but life has been busy. I have been thinking about starting a new blog, so that is part of my excuse for not blogging, although it's not really a good one. There is much to catch up on, but for now, let me just acknowledge that the blog has been a fail as of late.

An additional, but more amusing fail was my St. Patrick's Day. Those of you who live near me already know this, but for those of you who don't, let me start the story by saying that there is rarely anything to do in Farmington. It's a small town, and exciting events are about as rare as... well... as rare as very rare things. So when an event comes along, it is pretty much in your best interest to give it a try whether it sounds particularly cool or not. That was the plan for my night. My brother Ian and I were going to try out a St. Paddy's Day sock-hop we had heard advertised on the radio. How fun does that sound?

I have a few pictures to help chronicle this event. The entire process lasted about 45 minutes if that tells you anything about how successful it was.

Us before our date

Me, super excited for this awesome sock hop.

So we arrive the party, and quickly realize that we do not belong. There were about 30 people there, and we were the youngest by about 30 years. Couples in orthopedic shoes were shuffling around the dance floor as we walked in. My hands wanted desperately to form themselves into the awkward turtle...

The happy point of the night was that all the non-alcoholic drinks were free. This is my green sprite which we sipped while we tried to look as inconspicuous as possible. 

After 45 minutes, we couldn't take it anymore and made our way to the exit. 

This picture sums up our feelings about the night. 

Hope your St. Patrick's Day plans were a little luckier than mine!
