Thursday, October 20, 2011

Things I love Thursdays! [ Hotdogs ]

I love hotdogs. Yes, I'm aware that we don't know exactly what sort of "meat" that hotdogs are made up of, but for some reason, that fact is overshadowed by their absolute yumminess. Today I would like to highlight a particularly tasty hotdog that anyone who lives near a Sonic should rush right out to buy for lunch today.

The name, of course, is fabulous. But that's not the only exciting characteristic of this dog. 

Sauerkraut. Grilled onions. Spicy mustard.

To say it's delicious would be an understatement. Hang onto your socks when you bite into this guy, cause it'll blow them off if you don't. (Ok, that may have been a bit of an overstatement, but you get the point.)

Get one today. You won't be disappointed. 

Happy Thursday, all!


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My weekend at a glance

This past weekend was busy. Not in the "Ohmywordwhycan'tlifejustslowdown?" sort of way, but in a way that was a delightful, refreshing change from the regular work week.

Photos, photos, and more photos! I had two senior shoots on Friday, and a family shoot on Saturday. Here's my weekend at a glance:

This is Maria. We've lived next door to each other for almost forever so a majority of my childhood memories include her and her family. 
The fact that she's graduating makes me feel old, but what else is new? 

Isn't she just a cutie?

For more of Maria's shoot, please check out JasmineJoyPhotography on Facebook!

Maria and Sydney are really good friends, so we did their senior shoots together. I had so much fun with them! They're obviously both beautiful, so it was no surprise that we had quite a few whistles throughout the day. 

Thanks for putting up with it girls!

This is Sydney. Adorable right? Great hair, great smile, beautiful easy was my job on Friday?

See Sydney's preview album on Facebook!

Saturday afternoon took me to beautiful Cortez, Colorado to photograph my friend, Elizabeth, her husband, James, and their absolutely adorable little boy, Truin. It was such a great day- a mini road trip up through the gorgeous Colorado fall colors with my friend, fabulous photo shoot, and Sonic to finish the day off.

For being only three months old, Truin was incredibly patient and well behaved.

One hot mama right? 

That's it folks! Hope your weekend was as good as mine! Already looking forward to the next one...
