Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sunroof: reminder that Jesus loves me!

Oh my goodness! Do you smell that? There's a fresh smell on the air, and I think it's spring! I don't know what it is, but there's just something different in the smell, and feel of the air when winter finally starts to loosen its grip, and spring slowly begins to tiptoe in.

It was so beautiful yesterday, I had a hard time not twirling and dancing everywhere I went. It was warm, and sunshiny; the sky was bright blue, and I got to drive around with my windows down, and my sunroof open. I absolutely love my sunroof. It's about as close as I'll ever get to a convertible, and there's something totally carefree about the sound of the wind rushing over my head as I drive, sun on my shoulders, music turned up, and bare feet on the gas pedal- oh yes!

What I love most about my sunroof is that every time I open it, I am reminded of just how very loved I am by Jesus. Last spring, the car I was driving started to die. Bless that little car- it was 18 years old, had almost 300,000 miles, sometimes stalled at red lights, and had trouble going up hills. It was quite the trooper. When I came to the sad realization that I needed a new car, I began my internet search. Craigslist and Google became my most-visited pages, and many a lunch break was spent pouring over classified ads. After months of searching and coming up empty, I was starting to get discouraged. I had a California road-trip planned, and did not relish the thought of braving the LA freeways in my little tired vehicle. One night, I decided to make a list of what I needed in a car, read the list to God, and see what happened from there (Yes, as if God didn't already know what I needed).

List of things I'm looking for in a car
1. It has to be within my budget
2. I'm going to need something with significantly less miles
3. I'd love to have a Toyota again (I'm a big fan of Toyota cars)
4. I love my sunroof, and it would make me beyond happy if my next car had a sunroof too.

As I looked at my list, I started to think how silly it was of me to include the sunroof. Obviously, having a sunroof doesn't affect the way a car drives, and if I'm being practical, the only thing that matters is whether the car gets me from point A to point B. "Well I guess the sunroof's not that important God, but that would be sweet!" 

Well guess what dear reader? A few weeks later, I bought a car that was $300 under my budget, had more than 100,000 fewer miles, happened to be a nicer Toyota model than the one I had, and yes... it had a sunroof! Every time I open that sunroof and feel the sun on my face, or watch the stars as I drive home, I am reminded of how very much my Jesus loves me! 

Think God doesn't care about the little things? Think again. I've got my sunroof!


I took this picture at a red light, and I think the person next to me thought I was weird.


  1. Haha! So awesme! This is just so happy! Makes me smile! :)

  2. Jazzy, I just love this story! God is so good! Thanks for sharing it with us:-)
