Thursday, November 10, 2011

Things I love Thursdays! [ First Snows ]

Ok, so I know that I do my fair share of whining about the departure of summer, and the end of warm weather. Despite my love of crisp fall afternoons, I'm always sad to see the end of carefree summer days. In some ways, the end of summer feels like saying good bye to a family member. (Don't judge me, that really is how much I love summer!)

However, even with my absolute love of warm weather and everything else that summer signifies, it's hard to beat the thrill of the first snow of the year. What makes this excitement even better is when it's unexpected. There's nothing like waking up and peeking through my blinds and being surprised to see a thick white blanket covering the ground. My breath catches in an excited gasp, as I pump my fist in the air and excitedly whisper, "YES!"

Suddenly, the grey that is the end of autumn is transformed into a wintery white wonderland. Icicles glint and sparkle in the sun, snow crunches under my feet, and my breath hangs in air in frosty puffs.

Snow makes me wish I was 8 again. I so desperately wanted my boss to call and tell me she was canceling work and declaring it a snow day. All I wanted to do was run around and sing Winter Wonderland and Baby It's Cold Outside. All at once, my previous feelings of sadness over the passing of summer were gone, replaced with childlike fascination and excitement.

Interested in seeing a few snapshots of those magical moments? Read on!

She's kind of a cutie...

Happy Thursday, all!



  1. I like this blog post....and I like you...a lot :)

  2. What beautiful pictures! And makes me miss NM dreadfully. :) (And is that RIENNA?!) :)

  3. Yes, Kiersti! Rienna is getting so grown up! And believe me, NM misses you as well!
