Friday, December 16, 2011

Repost from last year: [ S.n.o.w ]

The weatherman is calling for snow and rain all next week, so in anticipation, I decided to dig through the archives once again and repost some thoughts from last year's winter season. (Basically, I kinda just wanted an excuse to repost the picture of that cute little pony!) 


On the sixth day of Christmas...

... There was more snow and extremely cold weather! Extreme weather amuses me. Here we are with near perfect control over our environment- we control our class schedules, we control our hair color, we control whether our coffee is short or tall, caf or decaf, we even control who we're "friends" with by monitoring our social circles on Facebook. Then POOF! It snows a lot and all of a sudden we don’t have as much control as we thought- flights get canceled, events are postponed, and packages just won't be delivered on time. Despite our attempts at dominance over the variables of life, we can still be put in our place by a snow storm. Random fact here: tonight it’s going to be colder in New Mexico than it is in Chicago, Minneapolis, and even Fairbanks. What gives?

Anyways, the point of all this musing about control is just to ask the question- who is in control of your life? When things get crazy, who do you go to? Granted, a snow storm is probably one of the smaller storms any of us will face in life, but sometimes a snow storm is a good reminder to me that I’m really not in charge. It’s kind of a comforting feeling. Wherever you are today- snowed in or not, take comfort in the fact that you don’t have to have it all under control. Jesus does. And He’s looking out for you!

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