Tuesday, December 14, 2010

On the 2nd day of Christmas...

... There were luminaries! It's one of the traditions at my house every year to get together with friends, get all bundled up and go to our local college to walk through the thousands of luminaries they have spread out all over the campus. I'm not sure how widespread the practice of putting up luminaries is, but explaining what they are to someone who's never seen one usually results in a perplexed look. What are luminaries you ask? They're paper lunch bags filled with dirt with a candle inside. Yep. That's all they are. And one may wonder just what it is that's so wonderful about them. Honestly, I don't know. I think it's one of those things that's special because it's attached to so many good memories- not because it's necessarily spectacular. For me, there's something peaceful about getting all wrapped up in my coat and scarf and wandering around the college at night amongst the flickering lights of a thousand New Mexican paper lanterns. The dark of the winter night is contrasted by the glow of the candles, and somewhere in the distance, Christmas carols can be heard. Sometimes there's so much comfort in the simplest of traditions. Sometimes, the things we love don't have to make sense to anyone else.
Take time to enjoy the simple things that are special just to you.


  1. Hey! Just wanted you to know that your blog makes me homesick. Can't wait to see your beautiful tree and of course you. :)

    P.S. I'm pretty sure that luminarias were a tradition of leading Mary and Joseph to the inn. Which is pretty cool.

  2. I miss the luminaries at the college . . . that was one of our traditions, as well. *sighs* Thanks for bringing back the memories, Jasmine. Your blog is lovely. =)

  3. Jasmine... you're such a great writer! SHADOW! Need I say more?
