Friday, January 7, 2011

On the ninth day of Christmas...

... There were snowmen! I think one of the ways I try to get myself through the cold winter weather, is to find things about this season that make me smile. One of those things is snowmen. From Frosty, to Sam the Snowman, to the little collection of figurines on my bookshelf, it's hard not to smile when you see one of these wintry faces. (For those of you who are like me, and didn't know- Sam the Snowman is the name of the omniscient narrator from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.) They're just so cute! When I was growing up, our "snowmen" were really more like "mudmen". The snow was usually too thin to roll into much of a ball, so our options were: a brown speckled, medium-sized snowman with more of a square-ish body since mud doesn't really roll OR a palm sized snowman, which was usually the only way to create one that was pure white. Of course, this was all back in the day when I didn't mind getting wet and cold- it was worth it to see my snowman's face smiling back at me when I finished. These days, I'm a little lazier, and opted instead to take pictures of the snowman sitting atop my bookshelf. They're all perfectly shaped, perfectly white, and perfectly situated in my warm bedroom. It really is the best of both worlds. Cute snowmen, warm bedroom.

Quite enjoying it,


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