Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Reliving Italia: Day 1

Hello all! I feel like it's been forever since I've written (probably because it has!) I am now back from my grand Italian adventure, and quite excited to share a bit of it with you. There were so many incredible sights and sounds, and smells, and life lessons- so much to share! So you'll have to bear with me a bit as I relive Italia and everything that I experienced there.

Day 1: Roma

It's been said a time or two that a lifetime is not enough for Rome. I would have to agree. I was there only three days, and while I encountered countless sights and sounds that left me breathless and wide-eyed, there were still many sights left unseen by the time I departed The Eternal City.

Here's a few of the highlights from Day 1 in Rome:

The view from my hostel room

The Roman Forum 

One of my favorite parts of Italy was the cobblestone streets, and quiet alleys. 

The Pantheon
The Pantheon has been standing for 2 millennia, and is the world's largest unreinforced concrete dome. When you walk inside, you can't help but be amazed. 
It's a perfect dome, and to this day, we don't know how they did it. That's pretty incredible. 

Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi
(Fountain of the Four Rivers)
located in the
Piazza Navona

Piazza del Popolo
(People's Square) 

I l.o.v.e. Roma in the rain! 

While most people were scurrying under canopies and looking for shelter,
 I wanted to dash outside and start twirling as soon as it started raining. 
It was beautiful, and I loved it!

Well that's day 1! Rome just got better from there, and I can't wait to share it!



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