Thursday, October 13, 2011

Things I love Thursdays! [ Football ]

Yes, it's true. I love football. I'm not sure exactly when it happened, but at some point I moved from being a confused and bored spectator, to a highly enthusiastic fan. I love the thrill of a well thrown touchdown pass, and the excitement of an incredible punt return. I love the nachos and brats that have become a semi-regular part of my weekends. I love the somewhat strange camaraderie that I share with like-minded fans, and the good-natured ribbing that I participate in with fans of rival teams. My parents are both from Wisconsin, so of course, our family team is the Green Bay Packers, and let me tell you- it's been good to be a Packer fan lately. As last year's Super Bowl champs, they are 1 of only 2 undefeated teams so far this season! (Last year's Super Bowl was a great day for my family, and for more on that fun day click here)

This year, I've taken my love of football to a new level, and have launched my own 

fantasy football team

My friend Sarah, and I are now the proud owners of our own, sweet football team, The West Hammond Orcas!!! (No, there are no killer whales in our neighborhood- but it's a pretty awesome team name right?) So far, we are doing pretty well- our record is 3 and 1 and I think we're ranked 3rd in our league. It's all quite thrilling! Our cute little team is making us proud. The truly ridiculous part about all this is that neither one of us has any idea what we are doing. I think to be really successful at fantasy sports, one has to actually put some time and effort into the team. However, neither Sarah nor I really has the time to do that, and even if we did- we don't know anything about the players, or even exactly what each position does, so it probably wouldn't do us any good anyways. We also still haven't quite figured out how the points are distributed, or how to project an individual player's success. But despite these setbacks, our team is doing well, and we're prodigiously pleased with it. 

I was hoping to be able to post a link to this fantastic little team so that anyone who wanted to could follow their thrilling adventure, (since I know that is exactly what you all want to do with your time :p) however, I couldn't find any such site. But you can be sure, that if our peppy little team makes it to the fantasy super bowl, I will be sure to let you know. 

Happy Thursday, all!


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