Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Today: This is What My Life Looks Like

Oh my. It's been so long since I've written! I miss it. If I had it my way, I would have two or three mornings a week with two or three hours to sit and sip chai slowly and write. I would have the time to take deep, slow breaths and enjoy the click click click of my fingers on the keyboard.

I have been having issues lately with my schedule. I feel so busy- which I love, and hate (and I flip back and forth between these two emotions multiple times during the week). I love it because I've been busy with good things like photography, and a good job. I'm dancing again, and working on branding and marketing for my business. I'm taking a workout class with my brother, and have some tentative planning for future schooling endeavors. All of these things make me happy with the busyness. What I hate, is the way I feel like I still don't have enough time in my day to really get anything done. Does anyone else have this problem? I keep trying to figure out how "real" adults do it! (At 22, I still don't quite consider myself a "real" adult). How do you manage a grown-up schedule? How is there time in the day for everything that I want to start, or continue, or finish? I told my family the other day, that I feel like I really only have time for work, and one other thing each day. It's a bit exasperating. I can work and go to the gym. Or I can work and spend time with a friend. Or I can work and come home to more work. I want to make sure I'm investing my time in other people, but haven't felt that I've been succeeding as of yet. Trying to find a balance has been an interesting task this month. Isn't it funny how life can go from feeling pretty balanced to quite off kilter in a short period of time? That's a bit how I feel these days. A little off kilter.

To top this all off: has anyone noticed that it's January 24th today? Where did that come from? Am I the only one that feels like the year is already picking up speed?

Last night, I was listening to a song by the ever-wise Kenny Chesney and one of the lines said,

"Time's rushing by me like the wind. 
Gotta grab each moment that I can, 
'cause I'm never gonna feel like this again."

Perhaps it is not incredibly eloquent, but today, that is how I feel. Despite the busyness, it is my goal to capture as many moments that I can in this crazy, beautiful life. 

Here are a few moments/gifts that I have been enjoying immensely this month.

My robe

Call me silly, but I feel like a fancy woman when I put on my robe. It's fluffy, and soft, and when I put it on, I feel like I should be drinking juice out of a chilled glass. My robe has made getting out of bed in the morning that much easier. 


I don't think I've ever had as much tea as I've had this month. Last month, my heart was so warm with holiday wishes, and Christmas carols, that I don't think I noticed the cold. This month however, the only place I've been truly warm is my car. I can not seem to lose the chill at work except when I'm drinking tea. These days, each morning starts out with a big, hot mug of tea, which is followed throughout the day by at least 2 more cups at work, and usually one at night as well. I don't think God created my body to endure much cold weather, but thankfully I have been getting by between my car heater and the tea kettle. 


I have been studying and memorizing Ephesians this month which has been just incredible. What a gold mine! I've read through the first chapter several times because there's just so much to digest. Check it out: 

For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will...

It was God's pleasure to adopt me as His child! I am chosen and wanted! A few verses later, it says that He has lavished his grace on me!
And He made know to us the mystery of His will...
God has made Himself accessible and known to me! Reading these truths over and over again has been delightful to my soul. I will definitely be coming back to this incredible book in future posts. But for now, I hope that these words are a blessing to you as you go about your day.

Well there you have it friends! My schedule is busy, and a bit of a challenge for me to manage, but life is full of sweet moments that I am doing my best to grab before they get away. 

This is what my life looks like!  

Happy Tuesday!


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