Monday, February 6, 2012

How bad do I want it?

Last night, I was watching a video on Youtube with my brother, Ian. It was one of those "pump-you-up-and-inspire-you-to-greatness" videos with a super-fit guy running along the beach and doing push ups that make you feel like your workout is more like a vacation than a strenuous activity. While I think the point of the video was to inspire viewers to be more athletic, I came away with something a little different. At one point in the video, the man was talking about success, and he said something about how until you want it as much as a drowning person wants to breathe, you don't want it badly enough. If you really want something, you give up whatever it takes to get it. It made me think about my relationship with Jesus. I'm quick to say I want to know Him more, but do I want it as much as I want to breathe? Am I willing to toss aside whatever stands in between us?

Aristotle said, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit." This quote, and that video last night have helped me to renew my resolve to pursue Christ with unrelenting passion. I want running after Him to be my habit, my obsession, my defining characteristic.

Question to think on for the day: How bad do I want Him? Do I want Him as much as I want to breathe?


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