Monday, March 19, 2012

New name, new look, new logo

One of the big things that I'm super excited about this semester is finally being able to change my photography business name. I had been mulling over ideas and bouncing them off my family for quite a while, but finally came up with the one I wanted, came up with a plan, and got a fabulous friend of mine, Rachel Adams to design the logo for me.

You ready???

Drum roll please...................................

Woot Woot! I'm so excited about this!!! Why, you ask did I decide to call my business Blue Cherry? What does that even mean? So, here's the story, and I hope you will think this is as clever as I think it is. 

The biggest struggle for me in coming up with a name and an idea for a logo, was finding something that I felt like fit me and my personality completely. I wanted something that was light, and playful, fun and yet still grown-up and mature. I wanted a logo that was clean, and simple, but not boring. And I think friends, that I have ended up with everything I wanted! I love this blue cherry because it's fresh, and simple, and I really do feel like it gives me room to grow. But why a blue cherry you ask? I actually came up with the name because I misheard someone say the Italian word, "lucere" which means "light" and has nothing to do at all with oddly colored fruit. However, the image of a bright little blue cherry with one happy lime green leaf made me smile and I started thinking about using it as my business name. It's unique. It stands out (at least in my mind. And I'm hoping in the minds of potential clients as well!) I think it's simple, yet classy, and it reminds me of summer. Plus, as we all know, there is no such thing as a blue cherry (not that I've found at least..) so this cherry is one of a kind. I want my clients to always feel that they are one of a kind as well, so I think that this little cherry will work out quite well for me. 

I'm quite, quite excited about it! Looking forward to sticking this on a website in the near future! 

Happy Monday, all!

~ Jasmine 

Also, do check out Blue Cherry Photography on Facebook to see some recent pictures that haven't made it on the blog yet. 

1 comment:

  1. Cute - I love it! Remember back in middle school when everyone said that you would grow out of the lime green/bright blue combo? You really showed the doubters - it's in your first business! Congratulations, Jasmine!
