Monday, January 31, 2011

Wanna come?

It's 12:30 in the morning and I should be in bed. But instead of snuggling up under my down comforter, dreaming of summer, and vacation, and all things good, I'm about to pull my hair out because of homework! The clock is finally counting off its last few ticks in my countdown until graduation, but at this moment, it feels like time is crawling and the awaited day of February the 26th (my very last day of school) will never arrive. As I sit, lost in this never-ending moment, I mull over the dream that usually pops into my head every few months, but lately has been surfacing more and more frequently: I'm contemplating running away! When I start to get stressed, I always return to this back-up plan. I never "ran away" when I was young, so I think this desire must be delayed from when I was five. Recently, someone informed me that it's no longer considered running away if you're 21- it's called moving. Well moving isn't nearly as adventurous sounding as running away, and therefore "run away" remains on the list of things to do before I die, and the more homework I do, the higher up it moves on the list. I'm thinking the beach sounds nice. I can pack up a knapsack on a stick the way little kids do, point myself west, and keep walking till I hit ocean. 

Anyone care to come?



  1. LOL, Jazzy, this is awesome! I always wanted to run away, too. Not because I didn't like home, but just for the adventure of it. My sister and I used to make plans when we were like, 11....looking back, they give a good laugh:-D But if you run away to a Fijian beach, I will come with you!

  2. I'm coming too! I'm coming! (Pick me, pick me, pick me!) lol
